100 years after the bloody battles of 1915.





A place hallowed by sacrifice and loss
A place shining with honour – and honour of the most vivid kind,
A place where foes met in equality and respect and attained a certain nobility through their character and conduct

“A unique concert, telling real human stories, emotions, sacrifices,

and bringing together the music from both sides of the confrontation.”

Turkish News Weekly

“Our aim is to make the audience feel, even if momentarily, the humanity, grief, patriotism and loss, as lived by those took part in this war.” Fikret Oztas, ATME Musical director.

Against all the atrocities of war, a worthy foe has proven to be an even greater friend

Now and forever, we will remember them,

Lest we Forget.

DINLETI - 21 MART 2015


RANA’s Rugs & Manchester, 19 Civic Rd, Auburn 9643 5020

Veya email ile atmt@tpg.com.au

by sending us your Name, address, telephone number, number of tickets required and making an internet funds transfer into our Bank Account as detailed below. Once your payment is received, we will mail the tickets to your address.

We endeavour to supply you the best available seat.

 DINLETI - 18 NISAN 2015

Concourse Chatswood www.theconcourse.com.au/events

TICKETEK www.ticketek.com.au

The Concourse Box Office, Chatswood


Tickets via email to atmt@tpg.com.au

Internet Funds Transfer from your personal bank account to our bank

Account Name : Australian Turkish Music Ensemble

BANK : Encompass Credit Union

BSB : 802-184

Account Number : 86457

IMPORTANT please remember to include your name as REFERENCE so that we can identify who the payment is from and also advise of the number of tickets you wish to purchase.

Once payment is made, we will kindly ask you to contact the Australian Turkish Music Ensemble by email, confirming your payment.

Once your payment is confirmed, we will either send by post or hold your tickets for collection on the night of the concert at the door by the person who is named as reference.

thank you for visiting this site.
